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Military Coup at the 1964 Coup festivity?

Last year we often heard the possibility of a military coup from various sources. The pandemic produced a lockdown on the idea and we spent the year at ease.

The possibility of vaccination, the return to normality and the increase in Bolsonaro’s unpopularity and his impichment, has brought up the same refrain in social networks and private conversations: a blow is coming. They’ve even set the date, three months after the turn of the year. In other words, March could be the fateful month! Perhaps the month of the coup.

One of the articles we can mention is:

You could advance a month, or delay a month or two, because how are we going to celebrate two important dates on the same day?

Brazil likes to remember March 31, 1964!

It is not just the date that is important, there is something else. More serious!

The coup will be a statement that the Bolsonaro government has failed to put order in the house. Will it be a revolution led by Bolsonaro himself? If his government did not work, how will a new coup prove, then why should the military allow themselves to be guided by him?

If Bolsonaro is the head of the new revolution, it will seem like the repetition of a historical fact that occurred in France, related to a well-known figure of all: Napoleão Bonaparte.

Let’s remember this figure a little, using information from Wikipedia :

Napoleon was born in Corsica to a relatively modest Italian family of lesser nobility. He was serving as an artillery officer in the French army when the French Revolution broke out in 1789. He quickly rose through the ranks of the military, taking advantage of the new opportunities presented by the Revolution and becoming a general at age 24. The French Directorate eventually gave him command of the Italian Army after he suppressed the 13 Vendémiaire’s revolt against the government of the realistic insurgents. At the age of 26, he began his first military campaign against the Austrians and Italian monarchs aligned with the Habsburgs, having won almost all battles and conquered the Italian Peninsula in one year, while establishing “sister republics” with local support and becoming a war hero in France. In 1798, he led a military expedition to Egypt that served as a springboard for political power. He orchestrated a coup in November 1799 and became the first consul of the Republic.

From first consul to Emperor the jump was small!

British historian Andrew Roberts states: “ The ideas that underpin our modern world – meritocracy, equality before the law, property rights, religious tolerance, modern secular education, sound finance, etc. – were defended, consolidated, codified and extended geographically by Napoleon. In addition, he also added a rational and efficient local administration, an end to rural banditry, the encouragement of science and the arts, the abolition of feudalism and the greatest codification of laws since the fall of the Roman Empire .

Anyone wishing to have an overview of Napoleon’s biography, I suggest reading the Wikipedia article mentioned above. Let’s go back to Brazil.

Will we have a new, Brazilian Napoleon coming out there?

Bolsonaro has the support of many people, including monarchists who want the re-implantation of the monarchy overthrown by the military in 1889, perhaps with the creation of a new royal house.

Whoever voted for Bolsonaro in 2017 would imagine that today we would be on the eve of a new Revolution and with the possibility of a republican monarchy being established?

I voted for him and I am also a monarchist, so I confess that I am surprised by the development of events! Qui Vivra, Verra! as the French say. Only time can answer these questions!

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