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State schools in SC will be able to choose from 3 models back to school

Three teaching models may be adopted by the state schools of Santa Catarina on their return to school. The methodology was presented by SED (Secretaria de Educação) in a meeting held this Tuesday (12) with Sinte-SC (Union of Workers in Education in Santa Catarina).

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the models predict from the realization of fully face-to-face classes, to 100% remote education. The classes in the state network return on February 18.

During the meeting, the SED also detailed the actions implemented to ensure safety in the resumption of face-to-face classes this year. As well as details on the renewal of contracts for professionals hired on a temporary basis (ACTs) for this academic year.

According to the SED, the adoption of each model will be carried out by state schools and will depend on the situation of each student. The proposal is to ensure the right of learning for all students, informs the secretariat.

The models

The first model provides for the realization of face-to-face classes every day. It will be adopted by schools in which the size of the classrooms accommodates all active enrollments in the class, respecting social distance.

In the second model, students will alternate with Tempo Casa and Tempo Escola. Classes will be divided to meet capacity according to social distance. In this model, there will be face-to-face service two to three times a week in the Early Years and every day of the week for the Final Years and High School.

The third model, with 100% remote classes, will be applied with students who belong to risk groups or with those whose parents choose remote education (and sign a term of commitment). These students will be grouped in polo schools.

Details on contract renewal

Law 18,043, enacted in December 2020, extends the selection notices for teachers admitted on a temporary basis (ACTs) from the state education network. It also provides for the extension of current employment contracts whose vacancies remain unchanged for 2021.

SED explained that the contracts are extended until February 2, with renewal in cases where vacancies are available for the year 2021. The effective teachers will have priority in the distribution of classes, including to change the workload without an end date or temporarily.

The remaining classes will be aimed at extending the vacancies of ACTs teachers, respecting the classification made in 2020. They will be offered to temporary teachers who already worked at the school in 2020, with the continuity of the teaching work and maintaining the relationship already established with the students.

New ACTs professionals can be called when necessary, according to the secretariat. The next selection process will be carried out completely online. The publication of the notice for the selection of professionals is scheduled for February 4 and will be published on SED networks.

Contagion prevention measures at school

SED stated that the PlanCon (School Contingency Plan) establishes measures for the safety of teachers and students in the school environment.

The rules include the mandatory use of a mask, a distance of 1.5 meters between desks, gauging the temperature at the entrance to the school and school transport, scheduling the entry and exit of students to avoid crowds, among others.

The planning will also be done to concentrate the schedules of the teachers who work with the face-to-face groups, avoiding constant room changes.

In addition, teachers and other staff in the Covid-19 risk group will be kept in non-classroom activities on this return.

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