The University of the State of Santa Catarina (Udesc) opened, last week, the enrollment of Selection Process nº 01/2021 for ten vacancies of substitute professor in Chapecó, Florianópolis, Joinville and Lages. Access the official page to check the announcement and sign up.
The opportunities are for temporary periods in several areas of knowledge. Salaries vary according to qualifications and hours contracted.
Entries can be made until January 24 by candidates donating blood and / or marrow (State Law No. 10,567 / 1997), in addition to volunteers from the Electoral Justice and jurors who act at the Jury Court (State Law No. 17,998 / 2020), tax free; and up to January 29 by the other candidates, by payment of a ticket, in the amount of R $ 100.
According to the announcement, the written test may be in person or virtual, as defined by the examining board and published on the website of the teaching center for each vacancy offered.
In the case of face-to-face tests, it is necessary to check in the notice which materials may be brought by the candidates, due to the safety and hygiene measures against Covid-19.
More information
More information can be obtained directly from the centers’ Undergraduate Education directions. Telephone and e-mail contacts are in item 3 of the notice .
Communication Advisory of Udesc
E-mail: [email protected]
Phones: (48) 3664-7935 / 8010
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