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#fiqueesperto and be careful with links and messsages

Fraud attempts with the use of links in messages are a reality in our daily lives. Therefore, CLARO sent tips to its subscribers within the fourth month of the #FiqueEsperto campaign , which unites government and private entities to help you identify fraud.
Pay extra attention when receiving SMS, application messages or emails that contain links that direct you to websites, products, services or promotions.
On the website you can check out excellent safety tips that can be used by everyone. Here are some safety tips on this topic published on the website

  • Check that the sender is trusted.
  • Make sure the link is actually from the sender’s website. Do not allow files to be downloaded or run from the link
  • Be especially careful with messages that offer very attractive prizes or benefits.
  • Do not forward messages of unknown origin or with dubious links.
  • Make sure the link is actually from the sender’s website. Do not allow files to be downloaded or run from the link
  • Be especially careful with messages that offer very attractive prizes or benefits
  • Never respond to messages or calls that request personal data, passwords and bank details
  • Confirm the data only if you are sure of the data requester
  • Never forward access codes received in messages to third parties. even if the person claims that it will be for your safety
  • Never provide passwords or security codes over the phone or in response to messages.
  • Use a password that is a phrase or has several words that are easy to remember, including several special characters
  • Protect passwords.
  • Always enable the dual authentication mechanisms provided through other authentication tools or even via sms, especially in messaging and social networking applications. That way, if someone finds out your password, they won’t be able to access the account.
  • Avoid names of nearby people, dates and especially combinations that can be easily guessed (for example: abcd or 1234)
  • Never use the same password on different services
  • Protect your accounts with strong passwords and double factor authentication

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