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Alfredo Wagner´s Diamond Jubilee Magazine

The Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper is honored and happy to present the “ Alfredo Wagner in Magazine – Diamond Jubilee 1961 – 2021 ” to be published in 4 editions this year.

In 2011, celebrating the  Golden Jubilee of  emancipation of the  Municipality of Alfredo Wagner,  as editor of the Alfredo Wagner newspaper, I organized the edition of the magazine dedicated to remembering that great historical moment:  Revista do Cinquentenário

Volume 1 – Prehistory and indigenous people

The first volume will be dedicated to remembering the Prehistory of the municipality and its first inhabitants, their customs and habits.

Volume 2 – Santa Thereza Military Colony

With an imperial decree initialed by Dom Pedro II, a military colony was formed between the capital of the Province, Nossa Senhora do Desterro (today, Florianópolis) and the city on the Santa Catarina plateau, Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres das Lages (today only Lages). The tropeiro path had already been used by travelers and considerably shortened the journey time, but it was inhospitable, full of dangers and with possible attacks by indigenous people instigated by criminals.

Volume 2 of the magazine will tell in detail the facts still unknown of the Colônia Militar Santa Thereza, one of the most important colonies in Santa Catarina, guardian of the Serra, mother of several municipalities in the Region!

Volume 3 – Barracão and Sombrio

The settlement attempt , on account of the imperial decree creating the  Santa Thereza Military Colony ,  had already been preceded by a previous one , on the  initiative of tropeiros  but which did not succeed due to the attacks by indigenous people and the floods that periodically reached the place. Only much later, the region of the  mouth of the rivers Caeté and Adaga , would receive inhabitants again.

This story with many reports and facts not yet known to the public will be the subject of the 3rd volume of the magazine ” Alfredo Wagner in Magazine – Jubilee of Diamante 1961-2021 “.

Volume 4 – Alfredo Wagner in 2021

In the 4th volume of “ Alfredo Wagner in Review – Diamond Jubilee 1961-2021 ” we will present a complete x-ray of the Municipality.

All civil, social, political and religious aspects of the Capital of Santa Catarina das Nascentes will be highlighted.

Be present in all volumes sponsoring “Alfredo Wagner in Review – Diamond Jubilee 1961-2021”!

Your message to the alfredenses  can also be published in this volume of the magazine. Get in touch via the whatsapp button below or join the “ Alfredo Wagner em Revista ” group, click on the link:  Alfredo Wagner em Revista on Whatsapp

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