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Book: Brazil – Australia: Opportunities for the Development of Partnerships in Agribusiness

Book was organized by Débora Simões, from Agroconsult and published as a result of a partnership between Nuffield Brasil (NuffieldBR) which had the support of the Commonwealth through the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR), an organ linked to the Department of Commerce and Australian Foreign Affairs.

Brazil and Australia are two success stories in agribusiness. With investment in research and innovation, organization of the chain and a favorable environment from the point of view of the growing demand for food, each country sought to develop the agricultural sector in order to adapt it to its peculiarities and to the availability of domestic resources becoming large world food exporters. On the Brazilian side, the sector is mostly recognized for its gains in scale, diversity and the volume offered in the international market. On the other hand, Australia is a reference in adding value and product quality.

However, the two countries are not considered to be major trade or bilateral cooperation partners. In addition to distance and priority interest in other markets, there is also a certain reciprocal “ignorance”. The book Brazil – Australia: Opportunities for the Development of Partnerships in Agribusiness aims to minimize this problem by offering an overview of the opportunities and synergies that exist for Brazil and Australia to strengthen commercial and cooperation ties in agribusiness.

After analyzing the main characteristics of each country’s agricultural sector, the book assesses the opportunities and bottlenecks that exist to expand bilateral trade relations in the coffee, peanut, cashew, barley, malt and wheat markets. In addition, it considers the possibilities to be explored in direct investment in land and the opening of new business units and discusses the synergies between Brazil and Australia looking for solutions for agribusiness through educational partnerships and R&D for innovation.

A seed was sown to arouse the mutual curiosity of Brazilians and Australians about the synergies that exist between these great actors in global agribusiness who are little known. The collaboration between Brazil and Australia could accelerate the response to agricultural challenges, allowing to increase productivity, optimize the use of resources and consolidate more sustainable processes in food production. It is time to build bridges, expand the dialogue, define plans and make the only distance that exists between Brazil and Australia be geographical. Certainly the world and agribusiness would only benefit from this initiative!

Note: The book Brazil – Australia: Opportunities for the Development of Partnerships in Agribusiness is the result of an initiative by Nuffield Brasil (NuffieldBR) that had the support of the Commonwealth through the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR), a linked body to the Australian Department of Commerce and Foreign Affairs.

The book is free and can be accessed at  (Portuguese version) and  (English version).

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