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Candidate for covid-19 vaccine is applied by nasal spray

Health Newsroom Writing

Spray covid-19 vaccine

Researchers at the University of Lancaster (United Kingdom) have developed a new prototype vaccine against covid-19 that has an important novelty: It can be administered through the nose.

The researchers administered two doses of the vaccine through a  nasal spray  in animal tests, which are the first stage of vaccine development.

This triggered robust antibodies and T-cell responses that were sufficient to neutralize SARS-CoV-2, which causes the covid-19 pandemic  . There was also a significant reduction in pulmonary pathology, inflammation and clinical disease in rodents who received the drug.

The vaccine is based on a common poultry virus, called Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV), which can replicate in our bodies, but is harmless to humans.

Scientists designed NDV to produce the peak proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus   – the proteins the virus uses to “hook” itself into cells – by deceiving the body and causing it to develop an immune response against SARS- CoV-2.

“ We found that administering this vaccine through a nasal spray completely protected animals from spreading the virus [which can then be transmitted to others]. This means that immunization of the upper respiratory tract using a nasal spray can prevent individuals from spreading the virus and developing infections elsewhere in the body “.

” Although the vaccine has shown promising safety and efficacy in this animal model, tests on humans are still needed to determine its applicability and obtain regulatory approvals, ” said Dr. Muhammad Munir, responsible for the team.

Check with scientific article:

Article:  Immunogenicity and Protective Efficacy of an Intranasal Live-attenuated Vaccine Against SARS-CoV-2 in Preclinical Animal Models
Authors: Jun-Guy Park, Fatai S. Oladunni, Mohammed A. Rohaim, Jayde Whittingham-Dowd, James Tollitt, Bakri M Assas, Wafaa Alhazmi, Abdullah Almilaibary, Munir Iqbal, Pengxiang Chang, Renee Escalona, ​​Vinay Shivanna, Jordi B. Torrelles, John J Worthington, Lucy H. Jackson-Jones, Luis Martinez-Sobrido, Muhammad Munir
Publication: bioRxiv
DOI: 10.1101 / 2021.01.08.425974
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