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Companies reinvent themselves and define new relationship strategies with consumers during a pandemic period

Gabrieli Jaquiel, Markable Communications

New relationship journey for consumers and brands may be the key to business success

The pandemic has redefined routes and strategies for many companies. The digitization process finally left the paper and started to work for 99% of the brands. One of the market effects of COVID-19 was to speed up the digitization process and this acceleration was mainly motivated by the uncertainties that the new normal has brought to companies. But there are still some doubts about the year 2021 – was it just an adaptation or is the market in real transition?

I believe that this is a path that will never return, for our luck and for the entire market. As a professional in the field, I monitor the transition of companies that have started digitalization every day and are so successful that they cannot imagine going back. Many were forced to speed up the process, but surely these are improvements that can transform the whole way a company works and relate to its consumers”, explains Melina Alves, CEO and founder of DUXcoworkers. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has paved the way for giving the opportunity so that the customer can choose the type of journey he wants to have – totally digital, totally physical (in the post-pandemic) or a hybrid, with a greater weight to one side or the other in short, it is up to the consumer, which is extremely beneficial for the market in general.

This new way of relating tends to retain more customers, consequently more sales and profit, since they are in control of their journeys. DUXcoworkers, a pioneer in Brazil making good UX practices (user experience), believes that these new strategies are the key to success for any business. “We know that one day everything will be back to normal, but these innovations and tools will continue to be used throughout our lives. The relationship between the customer and the company can hardly go backwards, for the majority, perhaps it means losing a large part of its audience, that is, ignoring the new changes going forward, while they develop in other brands and these gain more space and particularity in the market, it can be a shot in the foot”, concludes Melina.


DUXcoworkers is the first company in the country and a pioneer in the world to make good UX and coworking practices for its work culture, developing solutions based on user-centric collective intelligence. Focused on the execution of innovative projects for startups, entrepreneurs and major brands. It operates in the market since 2010 and has more than 120 specialized coworkers, distributed by the main Brazilian capitals and in the world. More information:  

Markable CommunicationGabrielle Jaquiel

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