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FECAM collegiate reinforces the agenda of economic development and innovation and delivers diagnostics to city halls

The Economic Development Collegiate of the Santa Catarina Federation of Municipalities (FECAM) will hold a virtual meeting this Thursday (28/1), from 10 am to 11 am, the first of the year with institutional participation by representatives of the state and federal governments and delivery of diagnoses socioeconomic conditions for the 295 municipalities in Santa Catarina. The meeting is open to interested parties and can be followed by the link ( click here ).

The Collegiate coordinator, Piter Santana, will lead the meeting, which will begin with a presentation of the Federation’s services to assist the associated municipalities. The Secretary of State for Sustainable Economic Development, Celso Albuquerque, will speak about the portfolio’s actions and actions of related agencies and the national secretary of the Special Secretariat for Modernization of the State, José Ricardo da Veiga, will explain about the Moderniza Brasil program.

In a space for presentation of partners, Sebrae / SC will talk about the Entrepreneurial City program with information on how it can be carried out in Santa Catarina’s city halls.

Data for city halls  – In partnership with the company Gove Digital, socio-economic diagnostics will be delivered to the 295 city halls in Santa Catarina. The data will allow municipal public managers to access 50 local indicators in the areas of sanitation, education, security, health, economics, municipal finance and social development. This is the first partnership between FECAM and GOVE that serves the municipalities individually.

The next delivery will be of regional diagnostics, reaching the numbers of the 21 Associations of Municipalities. The data, according to Piter, will assist managers in making decisions, projects and actions.

Service :

Tariff: Board Meeting of Economic Development and Innovation FECAM with presentation programs – state and federal – and delivery of socio-economic diagnoses for the 295 municipalities of Santa Catarina with 50 local indicators / development agenda of the municipalities
Date:  5th Friday (28/1)
Time :  10 am to 12 pm
Link to access the meeting:  click here

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