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Preliminary study indicates that triple viral vaccine halves the risk of having symptomatic Covid-19

Maurício Frighetto – Press Office

Foundation for the Support of Research and Innovation of the State of SC – Fapesc

Volunteers vaccinated with the triple viral had a 54% chance of having Covid-19 symptoms, while the risk of being hospitalized dropped to 74%. These are the data of a research that is being carried out by the Research Center of the Professor Polydoro Ernani University Hospital of São Thiago at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (HU-UFSC), with support from the Research and Innovation Support Foundation of Santa Catarina ( Fapesc). The information is still preliminary.

The triple viral, as the MMR vaccine – which acts against measles, mumps and rubella – is known, uses live and attenuated microorganisms. Several studies have shown that this type of immunizer has an excellent immune response to several other agents, called heterologous immunity. Since July, researchers from Santa Catarina have been studying its effect on the prevention and severity of Covid-19, caused by the new coronavirus.

The Research Center at HU-UFSC is conducting research with 430 health volunteers. One party receives the immunizer and the other, placebo (inactive substance). The study is still ongoing, with clinical evaluation and PCR exams of the participants, scheduled to be completed in March. The data above are part of a “ PREVIEW – Interim Data Analysis ”.

According to Professor Edison Natal Fedrizzi, coordinator of the study, an “interim analysis” is performed when it is already possible to verify the effectiveness of a substance in relation to the placebo. “ It is not the final analysis. During the course of the study, we carry out some analyzes to assess possible side effects and the effectiveness of the treatment. When we have a significant result, which is showing reality, we have already started to disclose it because it will probably remain or improve until the end of the study ”, he explained.

The idea behind the study is not to replace specific vaccines, which are already being administered in Brazil. The triple viral, widely used in the Unified Health System, can help with the vaccination strategy. As the note shows: “ These results are very encouraging, as it is a non-specific vaccine for the new coronavirus, but which showed results of similar effectiveness to some specific vaccines recently released. Under no circumstances will the triple viral vaccine replace the specific vaccine. However, it would be very useful if it were possible to vaccinate non-priority groups with this vaccine until we have the availability to vaccinate the entire population with the new vaccines against COVID-19. 

The UFSC study is also evaluating how long the triple viral acts against the coronavirus. The hypothesis is that it will be three to six months, if the patient receives a dose, or eight months to a year, in the case of two doses.

That’s because the triple viral, against the coronavirus, acts differently from specific vaccines. “ We are using an effect of this type of vaccine that is the first phase of immunity, the cream immunity. Long-term immunity is called humoral immunity, associated with the production of specific antibodies against the vaccine’s target microorganism. Humoral produces antibodies. The cell is the production of defense cells of our organism in the first fight against an aggressive organism. It is a protection against any infection ”, informed Fedrizzi.

In addition to Fapesc, the study also has the support of the FioCruz Laboratory – Bio-Manguinhos, the State Health Secretariat (SES – LACEN) and the Florianópolis Municipal Health Department (SMF).

Fapesc investment 

Fapesc invested approximately R $ 2.2 million in actions against Covid-19 in Santa Catarina, including research and product development to combat the pandemic and its effects. The study of the triple viral is one of the five projects approved in the 06/2020 announcement and received approximately R $ 100 thousand for development.

There is also research on safer tests for diagnosing the disease, producing human lung tissue and activating a laboratory in the Serra Santa Catarina. The completion of some projects will be announced in the coming months.

For professor Amauri Bogo, director of Science, Technology and Innovation and acting president of Fapesc, the importance of science for society during the pandemic is clear. “ Fapesc is fulfilling its role in supporting a series of research and innovations to face the pandemic. Some results have already been released, but soon there will be others, ”he said.

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