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Alfredo Wagners News Online

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Bolsonaro returns to Santa Catarina

It’s a promise for next week! We are on Wednesday, January 27th.

In general, a President does not tell the media when he is going to a place so early! The state that voted most for Bolsonaro may also be the one that will prepare him for the most negative reception, as time will not be lacking for this preparation.

Its popularity has already dropped, according to surveys, reaching 59% rejection. Demonstrations calling for his impeachment have been organized throughout Brazil, from both the right and the left.

Couldn’t the automobiles destinated to the state in a week be sent by third parties? Why wait? Why come the President himself?

The press has been talking about impeachment, but in sporadic conversations in the corners of Brazilian society there is talk of resolving the situation with something similar to what happened in 1964.

Political agreements are being articulated with the politicians of a State that most supported the President and also the State that he most visited officially and that just doesn’t see anyone who doesn’t want to! The left itself is part of the scheme that will enable a new coup. It is very easy to provoke the radical wing of the Brazilian left that allows itself to be manipulated easily and takes to the streets without even thinking if what it is doing will actually turn the tide against itself.

At the moment, right and left, they agree. When they realize that they have been used, they may go into illicit acts which will further favor the need for an intervention.

Bringing cars, fishing, visiting an evangelical event, sounds very popular, but behind the scenes it can mean much more.

Let’s follow the events, keeping an eye on what few see!

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