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Inmet forecast highlights the progress of rains for Santa Catarina and Paraná this Thursday

Institute maintains vortex in areas of the Southeast, Center and Matopiba, while NOAA begins to show system disruption

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The highest volumes of rainfall were recorded in southern Brazil in the last 24 hours. Data collected at the meteorological stations of the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) show that, as indicated by the forecasts, Rio Grande do Sul received the highest volumes of rainfall with accumulations between 15 and 30 mm.

It also rained in Mato Grosso, irregularly and with an accumulation between 16 and 20 mm. The other regions of the country did not register significant rainfall in the period.

See the map of accumulated precipitation in the last 24 hours across Brazil: 

Last 24 hours - Inmet - 2801

Largest rainfall accumulated in Brazil in the last 24 hours 
Source: Inmet

According to Andrea Ramos, meteorologist at Inmet, the trend now is that the systems in operation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul will advance to Santa Catarina and Paraná in the next 24 hours. ” The low atmospheric pressure system still favors the rains in the north of Rio Grande do Sul, but the advance of the cold front will contribute to the formation of clouds in Santa Catarina and Paraná throughout this Thursday “, says the expert.

The Cosmo model, also from Inmet, predicts rains between 20 mm and 40 mm in the north central of Rio Grande do Sul. The forecast indicates rains of up to 30 mm in Santa Catarina and precipitation of up to 50 mm in some points of Paraná in the next 24 hours.

The areas of instability also arrive in Mato Grosso do Sul and the extreme south of the state can have rains between 20 and 30 mm. Andrea points out that still in the Midwest, Mato Grosso maintains the condition for typical summer rains, occurring in the afternoon and the highest volumes are expected for the north of the state.

There is also a forecast for Goiás, but with low volumes and only in the western part of the state. The cyclonic vortex continues to operate in eastern Goiás and also prevents the advance of rains in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo and western Bahia. According to Inmet’s forecasts, only São Paulo can experience rain showers in the afternoon, a consequence of the hot and humid air, and the higher temperatures.

See the precipitation forecast map for the next 93 hours: 

93 hours - Inmet - 2801

Systems advance to Santa Catarina and Paraná in the next few hours 
Source: Inmet 

The forecasts of the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), on the other hand, begin to indicate the return of humidity to Minas Gerais between February 28 and 5, predicting the end of the summer in the region. The update of the GFS model, released on Thursday (28), indicates rains of up to 50 mm for southern Minas Gerais.

Like Inmet, the American model also predicts a lot of rain for the southern part of Brazil in the period. The extended forecast shows accumulated between 100 and 125 mm in the three states of the region in the next seven days.

Between the 5th and 13th of February, the model indicates a cut in the rainfall in the center-south of Rio Grande do Sul, humidity remaining in Santa Catarina and Paraná, with accumulations between 50 and 90 mm.

Also in this period, the GFS model shows the return of comprehensive rains throughout the Midwest, Southeast and Matopiba. According to the model, the three regions can register accumulated between 60 and 100 mm in the period.

See the extended forecast map for all Brazil: 

NOAA - 2801

NOAA indicates summer break, gradually, over the next seven days
Source: Inmet 

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