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2,500 people isolated due to the rains in Alfredo Wagner

Original Post in Portuguese

News published by the news portal of NSC Total about the rains that occurred in Alfredo Wagner in the last days, that 2500 people in the Municipality are isolated due to the destruction of 14 bridges in the interior.

According to the Municipal Civil Defense, 10 communities were totally isolated: Chapadão dos BacksPasso da LimeiraPinguiritoRiozinhoBarro BrancoAlto LimeiraSão WendolinoInvernadinhaArroio do Boi and Caeté .

Three families also needed to be removed from their homes due to landslides, they are in a covered area of ​​the municipality, receiving assistance from the city. There is no record of injuries due to rain and landslides.

For the Mayor of Alfredo Wagner the situation is worrying, in an interview with NSC Total he stated: “14 bridges torn off, four of them are important accesses. We are very concerned, too, because there is no way to drain the water. It is the harvest season, which will hurt our farmers a lot. And it continues to rain heavily here. We are struggling to find a way to open an access so that these people can pass, but they are safe“.

Several kilometers of roads were recovered a few weeks ago, but over time it will be necessary to rebuild what has already been done. “Unfortunately we will have to do it all over again, our problem is really our roads“, says Mayor Gilmar Sani.

According to information the mayor received, about 150 mm of rainfall was recorded on Thursday night. He fears that, with impaired access to homes in the interior of the municipality, the return to school scheduled to return on February 18 may be postponed.

The state Civil Defense was in the municipality to assess the situation and recommend actions that can somehow minimize the damage.

2,500 families represent almost the entire population of Alfred, whose number of families is around 3,000. The exaggeration could have been avoided with a quick survey of the municipality of Alfredo Wagner, number of families and population, etc.

See the photographs released by the Municipality of Alfredo Wagner:

At least 10 communities were isolated in Alfredo Wagner because of the rains (Photo: Alfredo Wagner City Hall / Difulgação)
At least 10 communities were isolated in Alfredo Wagner because of the rains (Photo: Alfredo Wagner City Hall / Difulgação)
Bridges were broken by the force of the water, after heavy rains (Photo: City Hall / Disclosure)
Bridges were broken by the force of the water, after heavy rains (Photo: City Hall / Disclosure)

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