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The Campo dos Padres (Field of the Fathers)

Rich in biological diversity and fantastic landscapes, Campo dos Padres is also full of stories, many of them touching the legend. The video made to support public consultations on the creation of the Campos do Padres National Park was organized in 2008 and coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment and Ibama, the video presents little-known aspects of the Campo dos Padres.

Studies for the creation of this Conservation Unit started in mid 2006, under the coordination of the Ministry of the Environment and Ibama. They counted on the participation of technicians from the State Government, Universities, local city halls and environmental organizations.

The proposal to create the Campo dos Padres National Park covers part of the municipalities of Urubici, Bom Retiro, Alfredo Wagner, Santa Rosa de Lima, Grão Pará, Anitápolis, Rio Fortuna and Rio Rufino .

Ecotones are extremely important for biodiversity

The creation of the Campo dos Padres National Park is justified by the richness of ecosystems and the great variety of species of plants and animals, which makes the region an Ecotone, a place of transition, where these different ecosystems meet. Ecotones are places of extreme importance for biodiversity, which house several species of fauna and flora that only occur there.

On one side, in the valleys and escarpments of Serra Geral, there is the Dense Forest. In the plateaus, formed from the rupture of the terrain, and at the highest points, natural fields occur. In places of high altitude and cloudiness, the fields are bordered by patches of forests, the Nebular Woods. On the banks of the rivers, gallery forests, also known as riparian forests. In the depressions of the terrain, sites of old lakes, the peatlands appear, a particular habitat for several species. In the valleys more protected from wind and cold, the forest vegetation develops better, forming the typical Araucaria forests.

100 thousand hectares of areas to be protected

In Campo dos Padres there are numerous springs, contributing to the formation of the Canoas, Itajaí and Tubarão rivers. The area is also home to Morro da Boa Vista, at 1827 meters, the highest point in the state of Santa Catarina. Campo dos Padres, together with the National Park of São Joaquim, which is next door, will form a protected area of ​​more than 100,000 hectares, thus forming one of the only places in southern Brazil, where Puma populations will be maintained and protected, as well as as well as several other species of mammals and more than 180 species of birds, according to recent studies.

The majestic geological sculptures, the magnificence of the mountains, escarpments and plateaus, as well as the magnificent canyons and beautiful waterfalls of the region, are also an important testimony of the geological history of Brazil, which can generate opportunities to leverage the economy of the entire region through the expansion and the development of ecotourism, one of the fastest growing economic activities in the world.

Guarani Aquifer

The geological formation of the region, where the outcrop of botucatu sandstone stands out, gives Campo dos Padres a fundamental role in recharging the Guarani Aquifer, one of the largest underground water reservoirs in the world. The aquifer’s permanent water reserves are in the order of 45 trillion cubic meters.

The region’s rich ecosystems, as well as plants and animals, remain under pressure from illegal deforestation, burning of fields and hunting. In recent years there has been a new and devastating threat to the region’s fields: the planting of exotic tree species, especially Pinus. The monocultures of Pinus eliminate the biodiversity of the place and their seeds are spread over the fields invading neighboring natural areas.


Entities representing the region’s residents are against the measure. A public civil action was filed trying to prevent the signing of the decree creating the park. The claim, according to the lawyer Marcelo Dantas, is that there was no direct participation of the communities in the decisions.
The real need for another national park in the region is also questioned, since the São Joaquim National Park already exists, which, created 45 years ago, has not yet compensated all affected families. The creation of the new park has been suspended since January by a Federal Court injunction.

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