News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: January 2021

Facts about Covid-19 that you should know:

Protect yourself and others, especially the most vulnerable. Help stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) by following common prevention tips. know more You will not be able to create a vaccine against COVID-19 at home Developing the vaccine is…

Education: ADE Granfpolis publishes 2020 balance sheet

Edineia Rauta, Central Press – Translation: Mauro Demarchi Despite all the challenges imposed by the pandemic in 2020, the Granfpolis Education Development Arrangement (ADE), directly supported by Instituto Positivo, completed the planned actions and took training for teachers, coordinators and…

The Intercept Brasil misses Bolsonaro and warns that impeachment may come around

The well-known information vehicle of the Brazilian left, The Intercept Brasil, missed Bolsonaro, even saying in the newsletter he sends to his readers: “ It is too early to say that Jair Bolsonaro is in the last, but it is a…

New bus lines take passengers from the coast and east of Santa Catarina to the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul

Passengers can embark in the region of Garopaba, Florianópolis, Camboriú or Joinville and disembark in Santa Rosa Viação Ouro e Prata begins the year 2021 with innovations in interstate operation. As of this month, two new bus lines are available that…

#fiqueesperto and be careful with links and messsages

Fraud attempts with the use of links in messages are a reality in our daily lives. Therefore, CLARO sent tips to its subscribers within the fourth month of the #FiqueEsperto campaign , which unites government and private entities to help you identify fraud. Pay extra…