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Bolsonaro in SC defends Brazilian vaccine when delivering MOB-SUAS cars

Original post in Portuguese

Well, friends, President Bolsonaro came to Santa Catarina for the sixth time and was very acclaimed by those around him.

It came to deliver 225 cars from the Social Assistance Mobility Program (MOB-SUAS), this program aims to “improve the service to the population in a situation of social vulnerability resulting from poverty, precarious or null access to public services, weakened bonds of belonging and sociability and / or any other situation of vulnerability and social risk” Rede SUAS.

SUAS is the Unified Social Assistance System. A structure similar to SUS, but focused exclusively on Social Assistance, the program has been providing cars for Brazilian municipalities and assistance entities, favoring the mobility of organizations that work in specialized social assistance.

The media, which received praise from the president during the ceremony, seems to have focused more on the lack of gas in cars than on the most important aspect of the program: equipping the Social Assistance service to better serve the population.

Bolsonaro was accompanied by the Minister of Citizenship, Onyx Lorenzoni, the Minister of Institutional Security, General Augusto Heleno, the Chief Minister of the Government Secretariat, General Luiz Eduardo Ramos, and his son Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL). The governor of Santa Catarina, Carlos Moisés (PSL), and the vice-governor, Daniela Reinehr (without party), senators Esperidião Amin (PP), Jorginho Mello (PL) and Dário Berger (MDB), and the mayor of Florianópolis , Gean Loureiro (DEM), also accompany the event.

President Jair Bolsonaro stated in his speech that “There are thousands of people better than us, but these people have to appear, put, as the military says, their faces out of their holes and be shot. Do something for your country, state and municipality. Do not be afraid, do not hide, more and more we have to appear at the time of periods like the pandemic. We regret each of the deaths (from coronavírus). It is a pandemic that is here to stay, it is no use to be sorry. We will fight, win and invest in our vaccine. Without pressure from anyone, the vaccine will be purchased“.

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