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Conversation at the church door…

Original post in Portuguese
After a blessed Mass, some parishioners exchange ideas on leaving the Church.

There were 4 people, two without masks, one with the mask down and one with the mask on normally. The theme could not be different, of course.

I have noticed that it is very easy for people to believe in fake news, rumors, untruth. Usually the person will believe what he wants.

For example, among these friends of mine with whom we talked for a few minutes: one is a farmer, another is a bricklayer and the third is a craftsman. All three neglecting the vaccine’s effectiveness (“it was only for money”, they argued…) and all three defending Ivermectin, Chloroquine, etc., forgetting that these drugs are also sold and, because of beliefs like those that repeated, had their sales increased astronomically, accompanying the increase, also astronomical of cases and deaths by the Coronavirus.

All three had services that, in most cases, were performed alone most of the day, even if contact with other people was frequent and sporadic.

Two of them, in very good health, worked frequently in the sun and with food compatible with their work.

However, they made a very serious mistake: to think that every Brazilian is just like them. A very common type of selfishness in these days. I may be fine, but I must put myself in the shoes of millions of people who are not doing well right now. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Sister Dulce, St. Francis of Assisi have given us an example of this concern for others to the point of putting themselves in their place and showing compassion for their suffering.

They had just come out of a Mass, but paid no attention to the words of the Father who spoke of selfishness and envy.

All three are good friends, whom I respect a lot. And it was not to fight that I argued for the importance of the vaccine.

Unfortunately, there is a strong desire to believe rumors and fake news. There is great agility in deviating from the subject when a serious argument is presented.

A vírus cannot be cured with a worm medicine or a malaria medicine. Viruses fight with Vaccine. What can happen is that the body already has deficiencies due to parasites or worms and feels better with specific treatment, but cannot believe that it has been saved from the deadly covid-19.

Gradually, one by one, my friends left, and when one said that he treated his cows’ diarrhea with vinegar, I said, already losing patience: so take vinegar!

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