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End of Lava Jato! Left noticed and celebrates …

Perhaps the news would not have repercussions in the press if it were not for the mocking reaction of The Intercept, a news agency of the Brazilian left, which spread it to all its contacts in email this Saturday, February 6, 2021.

I also got the message!

The first paragraph leads us to consider the sadness of the journalist responsible for the email, but we soon see that the celebration for the closure of Lava Jato is at the heart of the matter:

The Lava Jato is over” is the title of the email sent and the subtitle: “We will have intense months ahead“.

Lava Jato is over. Without a press conference and without PowerPoint, the group of 14 prosecutors in Curitiba was officially dissolved after seven years. The end was timidly announced in an advertising obituary that now lies in a link in the virtual press room of the Federal Public Ministry of Paraná. There are no microphones or sheets printed with pre-cooked headlines.

There are all the predicates that the task force gives itself, its achievements, the glories, the millions, the billions, and someone must have even thought of putting in the trillions. The text is a small selection of the many selfless achievements and without political interests for which, at the end of the reading, I almost felt obliged to lift my pandemic-tired body from the chair to clap my hands out in front of the computer screen, alone at home, with broken clothes, a tear that runs down my face: `The world will be much worse now, Leandro. Much worse! Corruption won, Leandro!´”.

This text could even have been written by a right-wing journalist… however, whoever writes knows very well where he intends to go, and in the next paragraph he leaves aside the mocking tone and states with all his letters: “There is no irony in the world of the real chaos that Lava Jato produced. And it doesn’t matter now whether the initial motivations were noble or deleterious. Its result is there, politics shattered and the country in the hands of the chloroquine captain”.

Happy for the closure of Lava Jato, The Intercept does not hide its extreme contentment over the operation of the Federal Police’s Operation Spoofing , whose transcripts of leaked conversations began to appear in the press.

Why the contentment with the closing of a PF Operation and the joy with the opening of another PF Operation?

They themselves answer: “What is inside, for now, only god, the PF and Lula’s defense know“. You read it correctly! The messenger wrote the word God with a small initial, but he insisted on putting the Federal Police and Lula with the initials and capital letters… Atheism is one of the most striking characteristics of the Left, in any country in the world!

Her dream is to establish a real inquisition, with the right to virtual bonfires by the Brazilian press against Sérgio Moro: “Everything indicates that the next months will be intense, starting with the judgment of Sergio Moro’s performance in the case of the Guarujá triplex. According to the forecasts, the STF must declare Moro suspicious”.

The Lava Jato task force ceased to exist and this is its death certificate: “Since February 1, Lava Jato in Paraná has joined the Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime (Gaeco) of the Federal Public Ministry ( MPF). The Paraná task force ceases to exist, but some of its members start to work at Gaeco, with the objective of continuing the work”and you can read the full statement here in the Alfredo Wagner Online newspaper or on the website of the Federal Public Ministry from Paraná

The largest investigation of corruption and money laundering in Brazil began on March 17, 2014, when the operation investigated financial crimes committed by four criminal organizations led by money changers (…where…) the practice of crimes related to the criminal organization was found, foreign exchange evasion, ideological falsehood, corruption of public officials, drug trafficking, embezzlement and money laundering“.

This was the final paragraph of the sad statement issued by the Federal Public Ministry of Paraná. Now, Sérgio Moro get ready, he will be the scapegoat in which will fall all the curses of those who suffered for 7 years with his in unraveling the network of corruption in Brazil.

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