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Brazil drift?

Original post in Portuguese

The President of the Supreme Federal Court considered that the election of Arthur Lira “even at the international level does not represent the best scenario for Brazil“. His statement was printed on the cover of Estadão.

As Arthur Lira responds to complaints in the Supreme Court, having a defendant in the line of succession of President Bolsonaro is not positive.

However, Bolsonaro has more than 50 impeachment processes, which for Luiz Fux is not good. The impeachment would be “a disaster” evaluates the President of the STF: “Brazil cannot take three impediments” sucessivos, he concluded.

Brazil has to listen to the people and the people are heard by their representatives who are in Parliament“, said the Minister.

In this context, Folha de S. Paulo has added fuel to the fire, denouncing “misuse of public money” in the distribution of almost 6 million tablets of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Investigations, according to the newspaper’s cover story, are being conducted. While in Manaus there was a lack of oxygen, the Minister of Health sent 140,000 units of chloroquine “a drug with no proven efficacy“, states the article.

With the situation of Covid-19 out of control, the Amazon could be the epicenter of the multiplication of new strains of the virus, which worries world authorities.

Returning to politics, the newspaper O Globo, publishes that “another agenda” that has the support of the Government, Centrão and also the opposition, defends the “faster progress of proposals that limit punishment to those who commit acts of administrative impropriety, or reduce the scope of money laundering crimes, measures against the fight against corruption“.

In other words, something is not going well in Brazil in 2021 and many journalists are beginning to warn of the fact that we do not have a course. Next year we will have elections and they will not be decided at the ballot box, but, as Minister Fux said, “the people are the parliament” the decision of the direction that the country will follow will be decided between the deputies this year and next. They will be the electoral cables of the forces that pull the country into programmed chaos.

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