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Gold in cachaça… very Brazilian idea!

Much appreciated in international luxury gastronomy, gold is used in the manufacture of Brazilian cachaça

Leandro Dias had the idea to create a cachaça with gold flakes in 2012, when he had contact with alcoholic drinks produced with pure gold in Canada

Express News – Renato Lopes

The use of gold in luxury gastronomy dates back to the height of the Egyptian empire. At the time little was known about it, it was only believed that its intake would bring power, longevity and even eternal life. Today, with technological advances in research, medicine attests that the consumption of pure gold is very good for health: Pure gold, without any other metal, does not harm the human body and is easily digested in the body, being recognized for its direct effect on the activities of the heart, aiding blood circulation. Therefore, according to several studies, it can benefit the slow rejuvenation of organs, especially the brain.– explains Leandro Dias, creator of Middas Cachaça, the only cachaça in the world with gold.

The idea of ​​creating a cachaça with gold flakes came up in 2012, when the entrepreneur was in Canada and got to know alcoholic beverages produced with pure gold. I spent a year studying everything about the luxury market for hard alcohol and decided to use a typical Brazilian drink that, until then, had never received gold in its recipe: cachaça , says Dias.

In 2014, then, Middas Cachaça was launched, produced with a two-year-old cachaça, stored in a barrel of peanut wood from the countryside; and another stored in stainless steel, carrying gold with quality of purity attested by the European Union. The drink’s name was inspired by the mythological king who turned everything he touched into gold. Our goal is to show that a typical Brazilian and traditional drink can be consumed in a totally different way , concludes the entrepreneur.

About Middas     

The Middas formula results in a unique and special drink flavor, with low acidity and intense olfactory sensation. Like art, Middas has a special touch. The innovative proposal brings a cachaça accompanied by a bottle with edible gold of 23 carats, imported from Germany and which has a European Union quality certificate. The mixture of gold to the product gives it the maximum sophistication and refinement that a drink with international standards of excellence can provide to the most demanding palates. Learn more at

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