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Mining in SC: Peninha debates alternatives for the sector with President Bolsonaro

Eduarda Molossi – Press Officer

Parliamentary Mining Front debates alternatives for the mining sector with President Bolsonaro
Deputy Peninha attended the hearing

Mining can be one of the sectors that will leverage the economy of Brazil,” said Peninha to President Jair Messias Bolsonaro during a meeting of the Parliamentary Front for Mining, of which he is part, last Friday (5th), in Brasília.

Members of the Front and leaders of the area met with Bolsonaro to discuss solutions for the development of the mining sector in Brazil. Also participating in the conversation were the Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque and the Chief Minister of the Government Secretariat, General Ramos.

According to Peninha, the meeting took alternatives to encourage small and medium-sized miners and also to make the analysis of processes with the National Mining Agency (ANM) less bureaucratic and more agile. “We need to make Brazil an attractive place for mining” says Peninha.

Mining in Santa Catarina

On the occasion, Mr Peninha asked President Bolsonaro to strengthen the ANM regional office in the state. He also said that Santa Catarina has a tradition in Brazilian mining, be it mineral coal, clay, sand and various mineral substances. Coal alone, for example, represents 4% of the state economy and is responsible for 35% of the energy source generated for homes and industries.

President Bolsonaro and Minister Bento Albuquerque signed a commitment to be in tune with the Parliamentary Mining Front to promote the necessary advances in the sector.

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