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TRF 4 determines that city hall should provide decent conditions for the hosting of indigenous people in Florianópolis

MPF maintained that Tisac, the temporary crossing point for the indigenous people, should have decent conditions immediately for at least the six families that are already in the place

The municipality of Florianópolis will have to immediately provide dignified conditions for the hosting of indigenous people in the disabled Saco dos Limões Terminal (Tisac), as decided on Tuesday (9th) by the 3rd Panel of the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF 4). The appellants of TRF 4 dismissed the interlocutory appeal of the city hall, which initially (preliminary decision) suspended the necessary improvements, determined by the 6th Federal Court of the capital.

In a telepresential session, the 3rd Panel of the Court took into account the argument of the Regional Attorney of the Republic José Osmar Pumes, from the Public Ministry, that the issue is no longer just “a displacement of indigenous people to this place”, since they are already at Tisac, with the summer season well in advance. “They are there, working,” he said.

In his vote, Judge Rogério Favreto, from TRF 4, made it clear that the discussion was not about displacement, but about the sanitary conditions of the indigenous people’s shelter. “We are not effectively discussing the displacement, but these sanitary conditions in an environment that has been reserved as a place of passage, awaiting and that, by judicial agreement, the city government has failed to comply, alleging economic issues,” he said.

If, on the one hand, the question of work is not desired, the municipality releases it for everyone, only the indigenous people cannot produce their handicrafts. Here it seems to me a matter of prejudice, which the city had“, said the federal judge. “We are discussing here only simple measures, here of the environment, cleaning, sanitization, disinfection, things that have already been assumed in this commitment.

The judge Rogério Favreto also observed, during the telepresencial session of this Tuesday (9), that “half a dozen families” are temporarily sheltered in Tisac and that, because they are gathered there, “if they haven’t been there, it is much easier there to be vaccinated ”against covid-19.

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Office Federal Public Ministry in SC

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