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Is the pandemic a lie? What is your opinion?

The world is inhabited by 3 types of people! Yes, it is clear that there are nuances between the three types, but we will limit ourselves to analyzing the three most active.

The first type is the one who panics about anything, takes pleasure in being frightened, afraid, and distributes this fear around him with such sincerity that the threat seems more real than it really is.

The third type considers itself a semi-god whose navel is the center of the world around which the universe revolves. For this one, who is generally in good health and psychologically more active, all other human beings are like them. “If I’m fine, the demigod thinks, everyone is, too.”

Between these two human types, there is the second. He who has good sense and knows how to observe around him, analyze the suffering of others, measure the reality of a threat and the possible ability to avoid it.

The three types do not live in peace, on the contrary. Mutual suspicions, rumors, false news accelerate the bitterness in relationships, making it as difficult as possible to establish a balance between the three.

The forces of global chaos know that exacerbating fear or confidence is a means of increasing confusion, making the two extremes fight each other while common sense tries in every way to maintain its peace and influence those around it.

There is the pandemic and in the middle of it the chaotic orchestra that wants more chaos. In this pandemic sea, fear acts to strengthen confusion while self-confidants work towards the same end.

The first and the third do not turn against themselves … but they always turn against common sense, as this does not allow them to reach the extremes of fear or the pinnacles of their own admiration.

For this reason, the title question is absolutely right: Is the pandemic a lie?

The first ones will answer with a resounding no!!!! and send a volley of adjectives to those who wish to see the reality of the situation.

Third parties will also respond, but this time with a resounding yes!!!! adding hundreds of arguments followed by loud sounds about fear and inconsistency.

What will the second type answer? This is what I would like to hear, as I already know the answer of the other two.

So, my good sense reader friend, what do you think? Is this pandemic a lie?

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