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“This is crazy!” says Bolsonaro and promises to regulate this situation!

What do you do every 15 days?” Asked President Bolsonaro in live, where he cited the value of federal taxes levied on gasoline, diesel and LPG (cooking gas) and criticized the way the ICMS is currently fixed, promising changes. He himself replied:

You take the average value of the fuel and then the governors apply the percentage on top of that. The ICMS not only affects the price of fuel at the refinery, but also affects the PIS / Cofins, affects the existence of Cide [Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain], affects the profit margin of the service stations, levies on the cost of distribution and levies on ICMS itself. This is crazy”.

Unification and definition of what the Brazilian is really paying for fuel and taxes.

We want Confaz to decide what percentage will be applied to the liter of fuel or a fixed amount, in reais, that will be included for each liter of fuel, as an ICMS“, said Bolsonaro, who denied that the project is a Union interference on state autonomy.

In a second moment, the governors will decide, with their respective legislative assemblies, how much is this percentage or what is the fixed amount above the liter. There is no interference from me. No governor will lose revenue” he said.

And the stations will be obliged to discriminate what is the price of fuel, what is imposed and what is the share of each one.

The president Jair Bolsonaro announced the publication of a decree requiring gas stations to showcase to consumers the price of fuel composition, with description of the amount of each tax levied and profit margins of those involved, including distributors and stations themselves .

It will be via decree. We hope that Parliament will approve. There’s nothing much. It is your right to know how much tax is paid on any commodity. We will demand, by decree, from gas stations“ he said.

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