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Opinion Political analysis

Lula x Bolsonaro in 2022

The Brazilian political landscape is being formalized for next year when new presidential elections will take place.

Everything indicates that Lula will face Bolsonaro for the post of the country’s next president.

In the first round we will have some candidates with some advertising appeal, however, the objective of the election is to bring the old PT fox, former President Lula, back to political stages. Will their defense lawyers obtain the suspension of so many convictions already accumulated for Lula to return to Planalto?

Bolsonaro who climbed the Chamber during the Lula government, must remember those times with longing and can say that it will be the historic clash between two authentic representatives of the right and the left.

Neither left nor right! This is the truth! Labels do not define personalities.

What will be at stake in the next elections will not be Brazil’s interest, but only the egos of the electoral contenders.

It will pass away the desire to take this country to the true economic, political, cultural, social level that it is entitled and deserved!

What we will see in the coming months is a heightening of spirits, a sourness in relationships, a swarm of fake news, an explosion of untruths spoken mutually by both candidates and voters so that the truth is dispelled in the air and the lie and falsehood remain. .

If he loses, Bolsonaro will not accept the results of the polls, saying there was fraud. Bolsonaro can even repeat what Trump did in the U.S., because Brazil likes to copy. If Lula loses, he will do the same, stomping his foot and saying he was also a victim of fraud.

What the pandemic has failed to destroy in Brazil, the next elections will do!

And you voter, how will you behave in this sea of ​​confusion?

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