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Santur announces R$ 4.8 million for tourism infrastructure projects in Rancho Queimado

The municipality of Rancho Queimado will receive support from the State Government to improve tourism infrastructure. The construction of the “Mirante Alto da Bela Vista” and the renovation of the Praça Coberta were announced by the Santa Catarina Tourism Development Agency (Santur) this Tuesday (16th). The investment in the two works will be approximately R $ 4.8 million.

According to the technical project, the lookout will have the form of a tower with a panoramic elevator and a platform with a glass floor. The new equipment will also have a complex with shops, snack bar, restaurant, café and parking. The expectation is to have a better use of the attraction, which has one of the most beautiful views of Serra Geral, Campo dos Padres and the coast of Santa Catarina.

The new complex will enhance a natural tourist attraction in the municipality, creating a differential for the region. In addition, with the infrastructure that is being designed, it will be possible to order the use of the site, regularizing visiting spaces and avoiding the circulation of cars and people in environments that must be protected. Without the proper structure, this natural heritage of the state suffers from environmental degradation, excess load capacity and lack of tourist guidance” emphasizes the president of Santur, Leandro “Mané” Ferrari.

lookout 1The Praça Coberta, located in the center of Rancho Queimado, Santur planned investment is R $ 290 thousand in the renovation of the existing structure. The place is often used for events and fairs for handcrafted and colonial products from the municipality and region.

According to the municipal administration, the covered structure already shows wear and tear and damage caused by bad weather. In addition to improving security, the renovation and revitalization of the site tends to increase business opportunities and the flow of visitors, impacting the economic movement and job creation.

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