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New Data Center from Celesc ensures greater quality and reliability to the electrical system

Text Marcelle Fernandes | Heda Wenzel edition

To guarantee the quality of the electricity services offered to 3.2 million consumer units in 264 municipalities in Santa Catarina, Celesc invests in infrastructure with the objective of maintaining an efficient and stable system. The new data processing center – Data Center – was added, which is safer, more modern and which will ensure greater agility and reliability in the operation of the state’s electrical system.

Since then, the new Data Center concentrates all data processing and storage equipment, in addition to the company’s network and telecommunications equipment, responsible for communication between the service stores and Celesc offices. This equipment runs computer systems that allow the management of substations and energy distribution networks across the state, as well as customer service systems and operations with technical teams for emergency care, among others.

For the president of Celesc, Cleicio Poleto Martins, with the new structure, Celesc seeks better performance through innovation, by modernizing its new Data Center. “The change is part of the technological transformation movement that the company is going through, by investing in improvements that guarantee the quality of energy supply to Santa Catarina and that can mitigate the impacts of possible failures in the electrical system.

The company’s new Data Center was installed in the Central Administration building, in Florianópolis, operating in conjunction with the Redundant Data Center, built in 2017, in Bairro Roçado, in São José. Now, the two structures have humidity, temperature control and air quality, maintained by a precision air conditioning system, in addition to a fire detection and fighting system. And, to ensure that Data Centers never stop due to power outages, both have a stabilized network with two nobreaks and power generators.

According to the manager of the IT Infrastructure Division, Daniel Benthien, “the two Data Centers operate simultaneously and uninterrupted so that one can support the other in case of need, such as scheduled maintenance, or failure, such as, communication cables or equipment problem in one of the Data Centers”, he explains.

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