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Economy News Opinion

A general at Petrobras!

It took a while, but in the end the government said no to economists and put a general to direct Petrobras’ course.
It may seem like a mistake at first sight, but it is a big hit!

“Decision comes after criticism by the president of the state’s pricing policy. “The people cannot be surprised by certain adjustments”, said the president. The company’s shares plunged by almost 8%”  announces El Pais in its article on the internet.

The Brazilian is tired of saying that State-owned companies are millionaire job hangers, generally occupied by friends of politicians, whose only interest is the sharing of public money, regardless of the common good.

A General enters this political hornet’s nest. Joaquim Silva e Luna, former defense minister and current director general of the Itaipu Binacional hydroelectric plant, is chosen to replace Roberto Castello Branco in charge of the state-owned company.

Petrobras’ Board of Directors is expected to approve the nomination, but the market is already showing signs of fear, devaluing the company’s shares by more than 7%.

The market does not care about the suffering of a people, the rising cost of living for a nation that has been suffering repeatedly at the hands of leftist governments. The market is only interested in profit. But this same market forgets that a rich and strong people produces more wealth than a slave and system-bound people.

Former Defense Minister of the Government Michel Temer, reserve general Silva e Luna, 71, holds a PhD in Military Sciences from the Army Command and Staff School. Your management promises! Let’s wait!

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