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Back to school with security and tranquility

Students from Alfredo Wagner’s Municipal and State Schools returned to classes, following the specific protocols for this moment of the pandemic.

The first set of guidelines for the return of students and teachers to the classroom in Santa Catarina was presented to society on July 28, 2020, in a meeting with representatives of the 15 entities that contributed to the Resumption of Classroom Committee.

The objective of the document was to establish the procedures that should be adopted by all teaching units in the State in order to prevent and reduce the spread of Covid-19 in the school environment when the resumption was possible.

The document is divided into eight guidelines: health measures, pedagogical measures, people management, school meals, school transport, communication / information, training / education and finance.

In Alfredo Wagner, informed Dego Bitencourt, currently responsible for school transport in the Municipality, the drivers underwent training to face the covid-19 in their vehicles and to be able to transfer students safely.

All vehicles, both from the City Hall and outsourced, have a thermometer, alcohol gel and 70% alcohol.

According to Dego Bitencourt, school transport could circulate with up to 70% of its capacity. On this first day, said the person in charge of the sector, the capacity reached almost 40% for students who came from the countryside to the square.

As for the transports that took the students to the School of Passo da Limeira, the capacity reached 50%, informed Dego Bitencourt.

Klabin SA carried out the cleaning and pruning of forests on 3 km of the Rio das Demoras municipal road, making the connection between school transport and Barro Preto. The partnership that promises to be very fruitful for the two entities, City Hall and Kablin, and especially the population of Alfredo.

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