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Coronavirus in SC: State Government decrees new health protocols to fight Covid-19

Francieli Dalpiaz – Press Officer

Secretariat of State for Communication – Secom

The State Government announced on Wednesday, 24, new measures to confront Covid-19 in Santa Catarina. The health protocols, provided for in a decree, aim to slow down the contagion curve of the disease at a time of high occupancy rate of clinical beds and ICUs in the State. The measures go into effect on Thursday, 25, and are valid for 15 days.

According  to Decree No. 1.168, the new measures take into account the worsening of the epidemiological scenario, mainly in terms of hospital pressure and occupation of ICU beds. Among the technical reasons that support the decree, there is a need to reduce the number of active cases, promoted by reinforcing preventive measures, such as the use of masks, hand hygiene, safe and airy environments and, mainly, reinforcement. in measures of social distance, avoiding agglomerations that can quickly disperse the virus in the community. In addition, the Government announced this week reinforcement of inspection and almost R$ 1 billion in resources for measures to combat Covid-19.

The moment demands, once again, the adoption of preventive measures and the awareness of each citizen to control the progress of the disease. The State has acted with agility and commitment on several combat fronts, in order to protect life, guarantee safe coexistence and the maintenance of essential services and activities for the population”, emphasizes the Secretary of State for Health, André Motta Ribeiro.

Among the measures, is the prohibition, for fifteen days, of the activities in nightclubs and theaters and the limitation of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in gas stations and its convenience stores between 00:00 and 06:00. Both measures are valid at all risk levels.

The classes of the state public school and the operation of classroom teaching are maintained throughout the state, according to the regulations in force. In municipal, intercity and interstate public transportation, the limit on bus occupancy is 50% of seated passengers, at all risk levels.

The measures also include reducing the operating limit to 25% occupancy, at all risk levels, in the activities of theme parks and zoos, cinemas and theaters, circuses and museums and churches and religious temples.

There are still changes in occupancy limits and opening hours for social events, bars and commercial establishments such as restaurants, shopping centers and gyms. Check the complete list of measures below.

It is worth noting that the municipalities of the State will be able to establish specific coping measures that are more restrictive than those provided for in the Decree, in order to contain the contamination and spread of Covid-19 in their territories. The document published on Wednesday, 24, still extends the decree of public calamity to face the Covid-19 pandemic, until June 30, 2021, throughout the territory of Santa Catarina.

The State Department of Health will regulate the measures in specific health protocols and regulations. The decree establishes that the enforcement of measures will be the responsibility of the Military Police and the Civil Police of Santa Catarina, without prejudice to the performance of federal, state and municipal bodies with specific inspection powers.

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