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Gilmar and Jaison with political leaders in Brasilia

Mayor Gilmar Sani returned yesterday from Brasilia where he was with the deputy mayor and political leaders of Alfred.According to statements by Jaison Werlich, deputy mayor, in a quick conversation, the trip was very productive.

Jaison Werlich says that “we visited all the deputies and senators where we filed several requests for amendments to the City Hall of Alfredo Wagner, in the area of ​​Agriculture, Health and Education. For the Hospital, requests were also made to deputies and senators.”

The requests were filed and several deputies and senators have already given a favorable opinion, especially with regard to aid to the Hospital.

The year 2021 started without the approval of the Annual Budget Law (LOA), a tool that indicates the estimate of revenue and the fixation of how much can be spent, presenting the economic and financial policy and the government’s work program for the next east. year. It, the Annual Budget Law, should have been passed in 2020, but it has not yet been. Until it is approved, the government needs to control spending.

In mid-December 2020, the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) was passed in Congress, which determines the steps the government can take before the final budget is approved. This LDO defines the government’s goals and priorities for the following year and guides the preparation of the LOA, still pending in Congress.

The LDO text, in practice, controls the Government and prevents the transfer of funds for investment in all areas and stipulates that the federal government may only spend, until the approval of the 2021 budget, the one referring to 1/12 of the estimated budget.

This delay allowed mayors and political leaders to seek approval in Brasilia for amendments that cover their municipalities.

According to the deputy mayor, Jaison Werlich, the trip was very positive, but only after the Budget was approved will they learn about the definitive values ​​that Deputies and Senators will direct to Alfredo Wagner.

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