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Health Opinion

The covid-19 in Alfredo Wagner. Talking to those who already had!

Alfredo Wagner, according to bulletin data released on the official page of the City Hall on February 26, had 616 confirmed cases of infection by the Coronavírus, 41 of which are currently active.

3034 tests have already been carried out. 2 deaths are registered for the disease.

The municipality received 135 doses of vaccine, applied to health professionals, 121 and 14 elderly people.

These are the official data published, as I said, on the page .

30% of the Alfredian population has already been tested to diagnose Coronavírus and 6% of the population tested positive for the disease. 93% of confirmed cases have already recovered and by the time the City Hall presented the report on the mentioned page, only 6% are active.

The picture may change on Monday when the reports come back, but the change is likely to be small due to this weekend’s lockdown.

Let’s go back to the theme of the title of this article: talking to those who already had Covid-19.

Reactions to the virus are very varied. They depend on several factors, comorbidities, deficiencies, etc.

I talked with some people who already had it and it is important to report here for your knowledge, dear reader and patient reader.

In a family of people connected to the countryside, but with jobs in the “Praça” (as we call Alfredo Wagner’s administrative, political and commercial center here), everyone was affected.

It is a normal family: the couple, 3 children, 2 sons-in-law/daughters-in-law, 5 grandchildren.

All adults in this family took covid-19 and each one reacted, the last one to be taken was the head of the family. Each one who took it added symptoms to the next and when the last one took it, it seems that everything that the others felt fell on him.

Her first symptom was loss of smell. Having resisted during the whole period in which the family was ill, when he lost his sense of smell, he knew something was wrong and tried to get tested. Once confirmed, he sought medical treatment. A first crisis led him to spend a few days at Hospital Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro by Alfredo Wagner. A little better, he returned home, but a second crisis forced the patient to be admitted again, but this time in Bom Retiro because our hospital was being pest and disinfected, staying closed for a few days.

Back home and following instructions from a doctor who had already followed other cases here in Alfredo Wagner, this head of the family, followed the recommendations and recovered.

The recovery, however, was not without pain. One of the situations he commented on was shortness of breath and the agony he felt, wanting oxygen to his lungs, breathing but unable.

Her doctor recommended that in this moment of respiratory crisis, she should be facedown, with her head lower. The position relieved and favored breathing.

Walking in this state was an ordeal, he commented. A great achievement was walking 60 steps a day, according to medical advice, but it was sacrificed. My legs hurt, I couldn’t get support on my own and when I finished the journey I was more tired than at the beginning.

Death crossed his eyes, he commented, and he often thought it was the end of him.

After the crisis, it does not return to normal! There are sequels, the strength is no longer the same, the disposition and agility represent an effort that did not even cross the mind before.

616 confirmed cases, 41 of which were active on Friday, February 26, 2021. To a greater or lesser degree, they all experienced similar symptoms, with more or less strong reactions depending on their physical constitution, etc.

We cannot look at our neighbor as if he were a copy of ourselves! Each human being is different from the other, and therefore has different reactions to the coronavirus. For some it is a little cold, but for others it represents death!

Think about it when you wander the square without a mask, without keeping your distance and without cleaning your hands. As in the case I mentioned, you may be the last one to catch it, but Covid-19 may be all focused on you when your time comes.

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