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Florianópolis first street-square begins to be built in Tapera

The road will be remodeled and will gain a bike path, paving, leisure and sports areas and sidewalks. It is the first work to revitalize the history of this street.

The Florianópolis City Hall has just started the revitalization of Rua da Praia, in Tapera, a neighborhood in the south of the island. With an investment of more than R $: 1 million reais on the part of the City of Florianópolis, the road starts to receive the first complete work in its history. The entire length of 476.51 meters of the street, 335 meters from the Maritime Edge of Praia da Tapera, will benefit.

The urban design of the project belongs to the Mobility/Ipuf portfolio and the coordination and execution is carried out by the Municipal Infrastructure Secretariat. The contractor Arruda is the company responsible for the works. The deadline for completion is five months.

More than a technical intervention on a street, a revitalization like this symbolizes the rescue of the residents’ ‘sense of belonging’ to the city in which he lives. It raises self-esteem, promotes social justice, positively impacts mobility and security, brings health benefits to those who want to ‘live’ their neighborhood, in addition to connecting the whole community”, explains the Mayor of Florianópolis, Gean Loureiro.

In the structural segment, in addition to paver paving – concrete blocks interlocked, the initiative will include drainage, signaling, and lighting with an underground electrical network. In urban planning, the work includes the implementation of a bike path, accessible pavements, decks, benches and concrete tables, a ramp to the beach, a multisport sand court with a grandstand, a bicycle rack, a children’s playground, new flower beds with shrubs, dumpsters and parking area.

According to the schedule and in order not to hinder the traffic on the road, we start at the final stretch of the street, carrying out the first interventions for laying the pavement in paver and concrete. Right next to it, we are preparing the structure for the construction of the multi-sport sand court, children’s playground and living area”, explains the Municipal Infrastructure Secretary, Valter Gallina.

Currently the paving of Rua da Praia is made of tiles with stretches of beaten ground. Once completed, the work will provide more mobility infrastructure for those traveling through the region: pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. In the Orla Marítima area, whether tourist or resident, whoever passes through the site will find in the remodeling of the road, a space that prioritizes pedestrians for leisure and contemplation activities, which allows, at the same time, sharing the place with vehicles. This is the concept of a street-square, which this section is about. It is the first public space with this definition in Florianópolis.

The initiative is an example of the transformation in the municipality’s urban planning concept, led by the City Hall of the Capital. With works that requalify public roads and leisure areas, the human factor has been the central element of the projects, combining engineering and architecture. One of the main benefits for the population with this type of intervention is the creation of spaces that are capable of generating human connections, stimulating the sense of community, a point of leisure and rest for the local population and visitors.

Connected to another important road, the Açoriana Highway, Rua da Praia is located in Tapera, which had the Carijós Indians as its first inhabitants. After the creation of the Naval Aviation Center, in 1923, the locality began to develop. The region was transformed into a fishing village and afterwards, an old airfield was transformed into an airport and with the growth of the Air Base, families of the military and civilians began to establish themselves in the region, expanding the residential character of the Tapera neighborhood. .

Anne Caroline Anderson
Press Office | Florianópolis City Hall

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