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It is not the virus that forces you to stay at home … but the failure of Health in Brazil and in the World!

First of all, I want to register here my deepest respect and consideration for the heroes, many anonymous, who are Health professionals, in general, underpaid, with exhaustive scales, trying in every way to contain the proliferation of this virus .

I wish these heroes the blessings of God and of Our Lady Aparecida and the protection of Heaven in this moment of extreme danger!

The title of the article is not mine! “It is not the virus that forces you to stay at home… but the failure of Health in Brazil and in the World!” It is the result of the conclusion that I reached listening to Gean Loureiro, the mayor of Florianópolis, in his statement recently (The article was published originaly in 23-03-2020). I advise you to see the full video below, as it is very symptomatic.

Gean Loureiro, explaining the inability of the health system to serve all those who need it in a short time and exceeding the supported limit, says; “If ten thousand people are going to be infected in any way, let it be gradually and not all at the same time. Thus, as the former are cured, they free up beds for the others, and the system is able to take care of everyone.

Virus experts say that the infection follows an ascending curve for a certain period and soon afterwards, when it reaches the point of greatest contagion, it begins its descent until it decreases and, if the human organism naturally creates the necessary antibodies. That is, this peak will be reached, sooner or later. Delaying contact between people, contagion and reaching the maximum point are delayed.

So, this is what we are experiencing at the moment, the quarantine aims to delay the arrival to the maximum point of infection, as the country is unable to treat 2,000 or 3,000 infected!, In the logic of the politician, it is cheaper to arrest 209 million people. people in their homes, serving 2,000 people at once in Brazilian hospitals.

Brazil, a country with a billionaire tax collection, has a failed health system because it spends more on politicians than on what is really needed by the people.

The cost of the Brazilian administrative machinery (and the same is repeated in all countries, as this is a general rule in political administration) consumes all the resources of the nation , leaving very little for the prevention and maintenance of hospitals. Health, education, infrastructure, defense, etc., are in the background for all managers elected for many years.

The political class is eager to grant itself benefits, aid, etc., but slow to attend to the most basic for the good of those who elected them.

So, it is not the coronavirus that forces us to quarantine, but republican ineptitude. Let us stay at home… until the next elections!

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