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Exclusive properties will be available for sale

The land and buildings are located in 17 cities in Santa Catarina

Interested in acquiring well-located, exclusive properties with market value, they should be aware of the sale process that will be carried out by Celesc, on March 24 (Wednesday), starting at 11:30 am, through the bidding system of the Banco do Brasil: . In all, 31 properties will be sold, between buildings and land, in 17 cities in the state. 

Individuals or legal entities can participate, as long as they have registered their proposals in the bidding system, between 8 am on March 19 and 11:30 am on March 24”, explains the manager of the Administration Department of Celesc, Jorge Luiz Pereira. To access the system, all interested parties need to do is register at Banco do Brasil branches to obtain the identification key and personal password. Participants must be established in the country and meet the legal requirements set out in the notice.

The initial bid amounts for each property are confidential and will allow Celesc to make a counter offer. The winners will be those who, having fulfilled the requirements, offer the highest bid per property. “If the proposal does not reach the minimum price established, Celesc reserves the right not to release the property. “Whoever wins the dispute, within the established criteria, will be able to make payments in cash or in installments, directly with Celesc, according to the total assessed value of the asset,” says Pereira.

The 31 properties sold are located in the cities of Rio do Sul, Pedras Grandes, Taió, Campos Novos, Monte Castelo, Luiz Alves, Nova Trento, Jaraguá do Sul, Ibirama, Tubarão, Curitiba, Garopaba, Presidente Getúlio, Florianópolis, Içara, Itapoá and Joinville.

It is worth remembering that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this time the sale will be carried out only on-line.

Service:What: Celesc Real Estate Auction – 31 properties in 17 municipalities in Santa Catarina.

When: March 24th (Wednesday), starting at 11:30 am.

Where: Banco do Brasil’s bidding system ( ).

Registration: to participate, interested parties can be individuals or legal entities, they must register their proposals in the Bank of Brazil’s bidding system, between 8 am on March 19 and 11:30 am on March 24.

Text:  Giovanna Olivo

Editing:  Eliane Ramos and Heda Wenzel

Photo caption:  Property available for sale located in the municipality of Içara.

Photo:  Celesc Disclosure

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