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New entry form for STF ministers is proposed by Deputy Peninha

Deputy Peninha defends public tender for STF ministers again –  According to the deputy, the moment is opportune to discuss changes in the way of appointing positions

The decisions of the Supreme Federal Court highlighted the Legislative Power and may change the direction of the national political scenario, the federal deputy from Santa Catarina Rogério Peninha Mendonça (MDB) again questioned the form of entry of the STF ministers to the position.

Of the Republic’s powers, the Judiciary is the only one that has its maximum representatives appointed by the Executive Branch and approved by the Legislative, making it easy to exchange favors that place Justice at the mercy of party political interests.

In a video posted on his social networks this Thursday (25th), deputy Peninha defends that the ministers give a public tender to occupy the position and that the validity is 10 years. The parliamentarian is the author of a proposal, presented in 2018, which modifies the Federal Constitution to end the political nomination in the post of STF minister.

Currently, the appointment is made by the President of the Republic and only occurs in the event of the retirement or death of one of the ministers. According to Peninha, many Brazilians question the partiality of the magistrates. “Whether they were impartial or not, I will not debate. What I can say is that of the eleven ministers, seven were nominated by a single political party, ex-President Lula and ex-President Dilma”, he points out.

PEC modifies entry into the STF

The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) 413/2018 establishes that, in order to run for a position of minister in the STF, the candidate has to pass a test and presentation of titles. Among the requirements, there are also the age between 35 and 65 years, notable legal knowledge with experience in the area for at least 15 years, and unblemished reputation.

The strong point is to end life positions, imposing that they last for 10 years. We need the Judiciary to undergo renovation, as well as the other powers,”adds Peninha.

The PEC is being processed by the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) of the Chamber. “I think that now is the right time for the proposal to have continuity“, concludes the parliamentarian.

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