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“The priority is to vaccinate”

Behind the scenes conversations between high legislative authorities and top representatives of the Brazilian economy, signal for a stiffening in the position for Vaccination, a priority action to overcome the current crisis.

Informs Estadão that: “A series of nine meetings of the Congress summit   with great businessmen, representatives of banks and the financial market resulted in a political movement for intervention in the direction of the government of Jair Bolsonaro.

According to the authors of the article, Felipe Frazão and André Shalders , the economic sector has urgently demanded the resignation of the ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo, and of the Environment, Ricardo Salles. While President Jair and the big family pose with requests for mass vaccination, Araújo hinders negotiations for vaccines and supplies from India and China. The evaluation of the businessmen affirms that Salles, whose Brazilian environmental policy is highly criticized, appears as an obstacle in the relationship with Washington, especially now that the country targets the surplus vaccines of the United States.

The Federal Government’s delay in releasing the acquisition of immunizers against Covid-19, is due to the fact of the development of Brazilian vaccines? Doesn’t Bolsonaro realize that the country could have more than 1 million deaths when these vaccines are ready for use?

When the deputy sings …

Businessmen regularly hold dinners where high-caliber politicians are invited to “sing”. Estadão says that “according to a parliamentarian who has already been to the convescote (shared meal, where each one contributes some part – JAW Editor’s Note), they get together to drink wine and invite a politician to“ sing ”. Lira was the main guest this time. Pacheco was already in São Paulo and ended up being included.

The Brazilian elite is concerned with the advances of the pandemic and the slowness with which Jair Bolsonaro manages the crisis. Estadão also reports that Lira and Pacheco, before singing at the convescote, “had passed by Claudio Lottenberg, a strong man at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. There was a smaller group of health care entrepreneurs there. The conversation was about the scarcity of sedatives and analgesics, drugs used for intubation of patients with severe covid-19, in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). The shortage affects SUS and private hospitals.

In other words, the bankruptcy of SUS in the pandemic is dragging on the private health care network. Only the worst can be expected!

Another meeting of the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco by videoconference, organized on the last 11th by the Brazilian Association of Real Estate Developers (Abrainc) , the president of the entity, which brings together large construction companies, Luiz Antônio França, stated that the purpose of the conversation was to seek the better for the economy. “What we see is an alignment between the two Houses (of Congress),” said França. “And what is the best for the economy? First, resolve the pandemic. Then, a country with investment and growth capacity” , he added. “The priority is to vaccinate.

The thing, however, goes further.

Centrão leaders affirm, in agreement with businessmen and the market, that given the failure to control the pandemic, the president will no longer have the tolerance of Congress. “Bolsonaro is on the razor’s edge. If things get out of control, if he wants to do everything his way, outside of science, have no doubt that we will run over”, said the deputy Fausto Pinato (Progressistas-SP).

The deputy also warned that “no one” wants to confront the president, but he needs to take the lead within a “global rationality”, and not in the “unbearability” of the ideological wing. “Impeachment is ruled out, as long as it maintains this constructive dialogue. If there is a threat of institutional shock or if you leave rationality in fighting the pandemic, no one will jump in the hole with you, no”concluded Pinato.

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