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After losing allies in the Legislature, President faces Armed Forces

Those who follow the news are concerned about the events that could break democratic peace in the coming months.

At  Estadão,  Eliane Cantanhede  points out that  “the military join the Judiciary and the Legislature to say ‘no’ to Bolsonaro  and that  Azevedo e Silva does not follow the primer of humiliation and submission by General Eduardo Pazuello, adding that Nor can the military stand more”According to the columnist, “in the Navy and the Air Force are the dissatisfaction with the lack of composure of the president and the indignation with the recurring mentions to the Armed Forces for threats and political blackmail.

The last straw that drove the president’s cauldron of dissatisfaction with the former Defense Minister to overflow was the news that the Army is preparing for the third wave of the covid-19, with the reinforcement of social isolation. Bolsonaro demanded the resignation of the general who gave an interview on the topic, Azevedo e Silva refused it and fell,“ said Maria Cristina Fernandes in an article where she says that the military resisted alignment with Bolsonaro .

At Globo, Merval Pereira estimates that Bolsonaro is trying to apply a self-coup, but believes that the move will not be easy. ” For the reasons he left (General Azevedo e Silva), it shows that the military is committed to the democratic rule of law, and it will not be easy for Bolsonaro to use the Armed Forces as a political instrument for a possible self-coup.

Of the Brazilian media headlines, Estadão was the one who best perceived the political impact of the movement of the President of the Republic. The newspaper points out that the fall of the defense minister occurred because General Fernando Azevedo e Silva refused the political use of the Armed Forces .

Without support in the Legislature, discredited by the Armed Forces, poking the Judiciary, it remains for Bolsonaro to be quiet or break with everyone. What will you do?

Let us wait!

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