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Mayor of Florianópolis, Gean Loureiro, takes office and will command the largest consortium in Brazil to purchase vaccines from Covid-19

Anne Caroline Anderson

Press Office | Florianópolis City Hall

The mayor of Florianópolis, Gean Loureiro, was elected president of the National Vaccine Consortium of Brazilian Cities, Conectar. The election took place last Monday, March 29, virtually and with a single ticket. Along with the mayor of the capital of Santa Catarina, another 17 mayors make up the board of the autarchy that has the mission of assisting municipalities in vaccination, purchase of medicines and post-covid health strategies. In all, 2,600 Brazilian municipalities are involved in the consortium, 25 of which are capitals.

We are more than 150 million people represented and with a common goal: to accelerate vaccination in Brazil. And more than that: seek collective purchases of medicines, at cheaper prices, and discuss the post-pandemic: the consequences that will come to public health. The size of this consortium is enormous, as well as our responsibility and seriousness in dealing with this issue. Without selling illusions, without creating false expectations, with a focus on supporting cities in every corner of Brazil, which is where people are vaccinated and cared for,”said Gean.

The virtual inauguration ceremony of the board of Conectar, an initiative led by the National Front of Mayors (FNP), took place this Tuesday morning, 30, in a virtual way. From this, the consortium can now start negotiations with the laboratories for the purchase of the immunizing agent, supplies and medicines. The goal is to join forces with the Union and the states to speed up the vaccination process of target audiences in Brazil.

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