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MPF and MPSC want urgency in vaccination against Covid in quilombola communities in the state

Recommendation to the CIB also requires a survey of the number of people to be vaccinated in each community

The Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and the Public Ministry of the State of Santa Catarina (MPSC) recommended the Bipartite Interagency Commission (CIB) – Covid-19 to distribute and apply vaccines to all members of quilombola communities in the state, starting at 18 years of age (inclusive), with the utmost urgency and in their specific places of life.

In addition, the MPF and MPSC want the CIB to carry out a survey of the number of people to be vaccinated in each community, sending the list of communities and the number of people to be vaccinated in each one to the Public Ministries, as well as the schedule. vaccination schedule (first and second doses).

According to the recommendation, the guidelines of Law No. 14.021 / 2020 (Emergency Plan to Combat Covid-19) recognize quilombola communities as groups in situations of extreme vulnerability and, therefore, of high risk and recipients of priority actions related to coping with emergencies. .

The Unified Black Movement (MNU / SC) informed the MPF and MPSC about the exponential growth of contamination by Covid-19 in all communities, and requested the speeding up of vaccination of this population, in view of the known social risk due to lack of adequate quilombola housing conditions, economic fragility and peculiar and cultural conditions of coexistence and collective production in very small spaces.

According to the state government itself, 146,700 new doses of vaccine were received and, of these, 5,750 doses of AstraZeneca / Fiocruz for the vaccination of peoples and traditional riverside and quilombola communities.

Social Communication Advisory
Federal Public Ministry in SC
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