News and Reviews

Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: March 2021

It is not the virus that forces you to stay at home … but the failure of Health in Brazil and in the World!

First of all, I want to register here my deepest respect and consideration for the heroes, many anonymous, who are Health professionals, in general, underpaid, with exhaustive scales, trying in every way to contain the proliferation of this virus . I wish these heroes the…

On the wrong side… the annulment of Lula’s condemnations puts him in the running for the 2022 elections

Minister Edson Fachin, of the Supreme Federal Court, ordered the annulment of all convictions handed down against former President Lula by the 13th Federal Court of Federal Justice of Curitiba, responsible for Lava Jato. Reason: Wrong court… The Minister affirms…

Florianópolis first street-square begins to be built in Tapera

The road will be remodeled and will gain a bike path, paving, leisure and sports areas and sidewalks. It is the first work to revitalize the history of this street. The Florianópolis City Hall has just started the revitalization of…

Shielding the Senator…

It took few hours, but the stir caused by the disclosure that Bolsonaro’s son was acquiring a mansion of R $ 6 million had an official explanation. The first son sold property in Rio de Janeiro to pay part of the amount,…