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Alfredo Wagners News Online

Month: April 2021

5 retail areas that can benefit from automation

With a pandemic, online stores grow 75%; specialist indicates which areas of the sector need to go through the digitization process Retail is among the various sectors that suffered an economic impact and that reinvented themselves during the pandemic. The…

Road freight volume in Brazil jumps 53% in the 1st quarter with agribusiness and construction

The volume of road freight in Brazil jumped 53% in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period of the previous year, boosted especially by the construction and agribusiness sectors, indicated a report published on Thursday by the…

Santander selects social projects aimed at the elderly, children and adolescents (SC)

In Santa Catarina, in the last year, four projects benefited in Blumenau, Lages and São Bento do Sul, through the Bank’s programs Santander Brasil is receiving applications from the Municipal Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents and the…

Grandmother learns to read following her grandchild’s virtual classes

She lives in Florianópolis (SC), but is from Bom Retiro. Marlene Hinckel, 63, worked in the fields until she was 25 years old. “My parents thought it better for me to work in the fields than to go to study“….

EARLY treatment, know which is the best!

The lack of knowledge of the Portuguese language has affected not only communication vehicles, but equally important sectors of Brazilian society, including the holders of the Executive Branch. Precoce comes from Latin, from the word præcox or in the plural, præcocis. It means…