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Bombs come in political camps… and from the great

About a year ago, ex-Mayor Eduardo Cunha left the Bangu 8 prison for his home in Barra da Tijuca, benefiting from the right to house arrest. Back at home, even though he was plagued by some health problems, Cunha obsessively dedicated himself to a task that he started in jail: to clean up one of the most important chapters in recent Brazilian political history. In other words, his participation – fundamental and decisive – in the fall of Dilma Rousseff.”

With the words above, Veja magazine announces a real bomb in political camps, Eduardo Cunha’s book: Tchau, Querida – O Diário do Impeachment.

Whoever lived those moments, following the voting live in the Chamber of Deputies, should read the article and eventually the book too, as they will see how the backstage of national politics works.

There are neither left nor right in this 21st century Brazil, what there are are greedy agents, who use politics solely for their own interests.

Veja magazine qualify the book Tchau, Querida – The Diary of the Impeachment as “Rich in details and bile, Cunha’s account casts suspicions about members of the Judiciary and, obviously, exposes unsightly episodes of some of the main names in politics and national business. The ex-president of the Chamber details, for example, the secret meeting in which Lula confessed his regret for having sponsored the reelection of his pupil and promised Cunha to try to interfere in the STF to help him. It also brings up a list of other unseemly proposals that, according to him, were made by ministers of state and by the tenant of the Planalto Palace at the time, in an attempt to stop the impeachment, as well as by deputies who asked for a few million reais to save his term in the Ethics Council, which did not happen”.

In the decisions of the Chamber of Deputies, according to the accounts of Eduardo Cunha in the book to be published on March 17, what really matters is the money. See the summary of Veja:

In his revolving machine gun, the ex-congressman also points in the direction of former members of the Chamber’s Ethics Council who would have tried to extort him. Cunha accuses the then president of the collegiate, ex-deputy José Carlos Araújo, of asking him 3 million reais for the next campaign, through also former deputy Sandro Mabel. If he did, he could interfere in the choice of the rapporteur for his process in the collegiate.

“This story is a lie. I never talked to Mabel about it ”, counters Araújo.

The rapporteur, who would later be replaced, Fausto Pinato, also demanded money in exchange for facilities, according to Cunha: “Fausto Pinato was willing to file, according to what deputy André Moura brought me, who became my interlocutor with him . Except that, opportunist, he asked, through Moura, for 5 million reais ”.

Pinato is outraged by the story. “I will have to sue Cunha. It is very easy to be arrested, condemned, and, after being politically buried, to be talking. Why didn’t you speak at the time? ”, He says.

Moura, in turn, guarantees that there was never such a request and that he never took such a demand to Cunha. Another attempt, according to the author of the book, would have come from the folkloric Wladimir Costa – the unusual ex-deputy who even displayed a
tattoo on his arm in honor of Temer, then president, and later it was discovered that it would be henna. “I suffered with deputy Wladimir Costa (…). He wanted 2 million reais. ” According to Cunha, no amount was paid.

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