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Left Media celebrates: Lula is the man!

Lula has been reaping the profits of an interview given to Reinaldo Azevedo, his staunch enemy, but who can now be side by side with the PT leader. The left-wing groups celebrate!

Interview conducted exactly to what the people should hear, provoked a comment by Noam Chomsky in Focus Brasil. Considered by the left as a renowned American intellectual, Noam says that “Lula’s return is the hope of better days for the country, because only he meets the political conditions and that he has the vision of a statesman to take the country out of backwardness.

In Tijolaço, Fernando Brito writes that Lula’s interview with Reinaldo was a lesson to the presidential “Group of Six”. “Reinaldo, one of the PT’s fiercest opponents, with an immense collection of insults and condemnations to Lula, did not let this pass over the country’s crisis situation and the impositions of the democratic order“, he says. “Lula, who has all the reasons in the world to be offended by the insults that Reinaldo ended up with, did not use the opportunity to settle grudges.” And he compares: “Why didn’t the ‘Six of the Center’ engage in the same dialogue?”.

Marcos Coimbra, from Vox Populi, sums up the popular sentiment: “Nobody was ever, like this, enchanted with Lula. He just compared Lula with other [presidents of the past], weighed Lula’s good and bad things in the balance and came to the conclusion that he was a good president of the Republic. That is what changed the game going forward”.

Whoever received the latest newsletter from the Perseu Abramo Foundation , PT’s intellectual arm, notes a paragraph included in the edition: “In the blogosphere, Luís Nassif ironic in GGN the effort of the mainstream press to raise the names of the center . “The media invents presidential candidates, and they become presidential candidates. So, put the Mandetta there – he became presidential. Amoedo, Huck… They sign a petition with Ciro Gomes, João Doria and the press says ‘new fact that has happened’”, he said on TV GGN .

We can say, then, without exaggeration, that in the political dispute, no candidate is democratically chosen by the electorate. There is a choice made by impersonal hands that do not appear, but that suggest how the result should be. In the interview mentioned above, Marcos Coimbra concludes: “Probably, we are going to a dispute in the second round with these two names (Lula and Bolsonaro) – it is unthinkable, as far as we know from Brazilian society – that any of these five citizens will be able to ( …) Whoever is not yet will not be in that time interval”.

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