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Alfredo Wagner in Review – Diamond Jubilee – 1st edition launch

The launch of the 1st edition of Alfredo Wagner in Revista – Jubileu de Diamante was full of unplanned coincidences, of course.

The magazine that celebrates 60 years of political emancipation of Alfredo Wagner had its first edition launched on April 19, 2021. Dedicated to the prehistory period of the municipality, whose records date back more than 300 million years, the magazine highlights also the primitive inhabitants in an overview of the geology, archeology and anthropology of the period.

Without having been planned, the magazine coincided to be launched on the day of the Indian. One of the special highlights in the magazine is the relationship between indigenous people and settlers. Our goal when editing the magazine was to highlight the good characteristics of both ethnicities. We do not agree with the aggressiveness that occurred between both sides, sporadic episodes, but unfortunately, constant. The good side of everyone, however, is hardly highlighted by the magazines dedicated to the subject.

Another noteworthy coincidence is the presence of former mayor Ivan Dornelles Andersen, creator of Alfredo Wagner in Revista – Jubileu de Prata, whose edition inspired journalist Mauro Demarchi to publish the two commemorative magazines of the Golden Jubilee in 2011 and now the editions of the Diamond Jubilee.

The launch took place in a friendly and humorous meeting at the hunting, fishing and camping store Apache Store of the brothers Fredy and Camilo Andersen.

Also present were Alfredo’s deputy mayor and businessman Jaison Werlich, the municipal secretary of administration, Fábio Dorigon, businessman Camilo Cechetto Andersen and Décio Klauberg.

Due to the pandemic, invitations were restricted to some of the sponsors and city officials.

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