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EARLY treatment, know which is the best!

The lack of knowledge of the Portuguese language has affected not only communication vehicles, but equally important sectors of Brazilian society, including the holders of the Executive Branch.

Precoce comes from Latin, from the word præcox or in the plural, præcocis. It means early, born ahead of time. The adjective is attributed to something that is born, develops or happens  before the predicted time.

A precocious child, for example, is one who developed psychically, mentally or physically, before his time. Premature ejaculation, terror of male sexuality, is that which occurs before the satisfaction of the partner. An early adolescent is one who manifested the signs of puberty before the normal period of development.

Therefore, early treatment , considering the etymology of the adjective, must be a treatment that precedes the disease and not after the disease manifests itself.

For the current Coronavirus problem, early treatments are typical:

  1. Use of mask
  2. Hand and environment hygiene

These can be considered early treatment, since they precede the manifestation of contamination by the infamous coronavirus.

The use of the covid kit, erroneously qualified as early treatment, in reality is commonly prescribed by doctors throughout Brazil after the disease has manifested .

This cocktail of remedies, inefficient according to renowned medical institutions and common sense, used widely in the country, is not an early treatment, but “pos-coce”. The word is non-existent in portuguise, it is true, but it more properly qualifies the treatment of the kit-covid recommended by Bolsonaro and used as flag of all his followers.

I have sadly followed the misuse of the Portuguese language, whether by the press or politicians.

The confusion of concepts, propagated by media, amplifiers of actions, gestures and words of national politicians, will lead to a new confusion of languages, a new Babel.

We strive to speak Portuguese correctly, demanding that those around us also do so, to avoid the mental chaos that will ensue with the confusion of languages!

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