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Grandmother learns to read following her grandchild’s virtual classes

She lives in Florianópolis (SC), but is from Bom Retiro. Marlene Hinckel, 63, worked in the fields until she was 25 years old. “My parents thought it better for me to work in the fields than to go to study“. And today she is discovering a new world: that of literacy, following the virtual classes of his grandson, Eduardo Hinckel, 6, who is now in the second year of elementary school at a school in the capital of Santa Catarina.

Having married very early and with three children to raise, the dream of learning to read was put aside. “I had difficulty even knowing at the supermarket what the shampoo and conditioner was because I didn’t know how to read”, she remembers sadly to UOL’s website.

She joined EJA (Youth and Adult Education) in 2019, but the coronavirus interrupted classes. She hopes to be vaccinated soon so she can return to face-to-face classes. The grandson has already returned to classes at Colégio Adventista, but Marlene continues to enjoy the contents of the virtual classes. “My grandson was learning to read. The school had a project called Super Readers and I started to get interested. Soon I started to study too and in a short time I was reading”, she recalled with joy.

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