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Road freight volume in Brazil jumps 53% in the 1st quarter with agribusiness and construction

The volume of road freight in Brazil jumped 53% in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period of the previous year, boosted especially by the construction and agribusiness sectors, indicated a report published on Thursday by the online freight platform freightBras.

According to the survey, carried out based on the analysis of 1.6 million freight between January and March, both construction and agribusiness expanded their volumes by 60% in the annual comparison, supported by real estate credit concessions in a scenario of low interest rates and by the increase in agricultural GDP, respectively.

The result was obtained even with difficulties represented by logistical problems – such as the widespread impact that the stranding of the ship Evergiven in the Suez Canal caused for global trade -, the advancement of Covid-19 in Brazil and the increase in the cost of transportation in view of the higher value of diesel, Freibras highlighted.

In agribusiness, the growth of 60% on an annual basis occurred despite the delay in the harvest of soybeans, Brazil’s main export product, since heavy rains hampered work in the first two months of the year, resulting in shipments 53% less than those of the same period in 2020.

January was the worst month since 2014 (for soybeans) … The differential was in March, which had a historic recovery. States like Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Goiás advanced in the harvest and Brazil managed to export 24% more soybeans than in the same month of last year“, said in a note the director of Operations at FREBRAS, Bruno Hacad.

The products most transported in the period were fertilizers, with an increase of 102% compared to last year, “in a clear anticipation of the expectation of a record harvest this year,” said the company, which also drew attention to soybean movements (+ 55% ) and corn (+ 42%).

Freebras said, based on the survey, it expects an even stronger recovery in the second half of the year in Brazil, albeit with less wind than the rest of the world. For the company, a large part of the resumption depends on the success of the vaccination against Covid-19.

Any forecast will be highly impacted by the advancement of the National Immunization Plan,” summarized the report.


Also according to FREBRAS, the average value of freight in Brazil reached R $ 0.99 per kilometer per axle in the first quarter, an increase of 1.99% in the annual comparison, which indicates a lag in relation to the increase in the price of fuel.

According to data from the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) compiled by Freebras, the average value of diesel at gas stations rose by more than 15% in all regions of the country in the first three months of 2021.

The increase in fuel is extremely worrying because it represents 40% to 50% of truck drivers’ costs, but it is not being reflected in the same proportion in the value of freight,” said Hacad.

Source: Reuters

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