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Santander selects social projects aimed at the elderly, children and adolescents (SC)

In Santa Catarina, in the last year, four projects benefited in Blumenau, Lages and São Bento do Sul, through the Bank’s programs

Santander Brasil is receiving applications from the Municipal Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents and the Elderly to select new projects to support these audiences. The Bank, through its social mobilization programs Amigo de Valor and Parceiro do Idoso, works to strengthen the rights guarantee protection network by raising funds for initiatives across Brazil, through contributions that can be deductible income tax. The registrations for both calls for proposals were extended until June 7 and can be made through the links of  Amigo de Valor  and  Partner do Idoso .

In Santa Catarina, in the last year, four projects benefited from the Bank’s programs. In Blumenau, the Entra21 social program of the Technological Information and Communication Pole of the Blumenau Region – Blusoft, which serves 56 teenagers. In Lages there are two initiatives. The first serves 120 children and adolescents in the Art and Culture project as a Strategy for Exercising Youth Protagonism, of the Lageana Association for Assistance to Minors – ALAM. The second is aimed at the elderly with the project Live Better at the Day of the Elderly Center developed by the Municipal Secretariat of Social Assistance and Housing – SMASH. In São Bento do Sul, 120 children and adolescents are assisted by the CRIAR – Children and Adolescents Recreating project of the Municipal Social Assistance Secretariat.

Santander ‘s programs have already supported more than 800 initiatives to tackle violations of the rights of children, adolescents and the elderly in several Brazilian municipalities. In 2020 alone, R $ 15.7 million was allocated to 59 projects supported by Amigo de Valor and another R $ 9 million to 34 projects supported by Parceiro do Idoso.

See how to enroll projects in Amigo de Valor:

  • Who can participate:  Municipal Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents in cities where Santander is present, which have up to 1.5 million inhabitants and HDI up to 0.749;
  • Profile of the projects:  projects, programs and services dedicated to the promotion, protection and defense of the guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents from the offer of direct assistance to this population. The projects must be guided by diagnoses, municipal and state plans on the situation of the rights of children and adolescents;
  • Public benefited:  children and adolescents;
  • Selection:  the dissemination of the selected projects is scheduled for August;
  • Campaign:  the resource mobilization campaign is scheduled to take place in August;
  • Transfer:  the transfer of funds for the implementation of the projects takes place in December, directly to the Municipal Funds for the Rights of Children and Adolescents. Implementation is monitored throughout 2022;
  • The registration link is:

See how to enroll projects in the Elderly Partner:

  • Who can apply:  Municipal Councils for the Rights of the Elderly in cities where Santander is present, with up to 1.5 million inhabitants and HDI up to 0.749;
  • Profile of the projects:  initiatives that guarantee the rights of elderly people in vulnerable situations or whose rights have been threatened or violated, defined according to local reality and priorities;
  • Target audience benefited:  elderly;
  • Selection:  the dissemination of the selected projects is scheduled for August;
  • Campaign:  the resource mobilization campaign is scheduled to take place in August;
  • Transfer:  the transfer of funds for the implementation of the projects is carried out in December, directly to the Municipal Funds for the Rights of the Elderly. Implementation is monitored throughout 2022;
  • The registration link is:

In the case of taxpayers, the portals of the  Amigo de Valor  and  Parceiro do Idoso programs  list the projects selected for directing resources and he can choose which one to direct the income tax to. Then, on the same pages, it is possible to monitor the development of each project and the results achieved.

Municipal councils of the following municipalities in Santa Catarina may nominate projects: Araquari, Biguaçu, Blumenau, Caçador, Camboriú, Campos Novos, Curitiba, Itaiópolis, Navegantes, Rio Negrinho, Sombrio and Vargem Bonita.

Vorá Integrated Communication

Silvia Dias da Costa

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