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Meet Elisa da Rolt, Ad Clinic entrepreneur

Female entrepreneurship grows 124%

After finishing biomedical college, Elisa da Rolt wanted to undertake and put into practice everything she learned from her studies, dedicating herself to clients who are looking for comfort, results and quality.

Brazil, May 2021:  Women are gaining more and more space in environments that were previously occupied, mostly, by men, such as the areas of industry, commerce and retail. Today, in states like Santa Catarina, for example, female entrepreneurship is in evidence and is increasingly receiving support from entities that contribute to female inclusion in entrepreneurship. According to a survey by GEM Brasil (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), when it comes to opening new ventures, the female audience is more expressive than the male.

According to research carried out by Sebrae, the increase in the number of women who decide to open their own business has increased by 124%, the beauty area is their favorite branch, more and more women are being more empowered and knowing where they want to go.

Entrepreneurship was already difficult for women, in times of pandemic it became even more challenging. For the biomedical Elisa da Rolt, who is part of this entrepreneurial movement, there were no major difficulties, “I was always determined in my choices, and when I decided to undertake, it was the right shot”.

Ambitious, empowered and entrepreneurial, unlike many women who have no support, Elisa got the encouragement of her parents to start a business of her own: “I was caught up in a conversation with my parents… I needed to be an entrepreneur,  so I will look for something that will make me meet all my expectations”,  comments the businesswoman when mentioning that it was her boyfriend who introduced the brand to her, concluding that it was  love at first sight‘.

Ambitious is also the CEO of the AD Clinic chain Rodrigo Nunes, “my first clinic was with used furniture, the second was opened less than a year after the first, and today I have more than 70 franchisees during the pandemic”.

The number grew 600% at the height of the pandemic and its sales jumped from R$ 7 million to R$ 17 million. The company is positioned as the 5th largest aesthetics chain in Brazil and for 2021.

Service :

Opening:  June

About Elisa:

Entrepreneurial and trained in biomedicine, she started her first business at the age of 24 and during the pandemic, with the conviction that she will be the first door to more clinics.

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